
APIs exposed at Noa are built according to HTTP and follow REST specifications and principles to classify and expose access to resources. In accordance to that, basic operations that consult or modify resources are available through the different request methods while more specific actions that often involve accessing or modifying one or more entities transactionally are isolated and accessed using concrete action verbs.

Requests and responses are formatted using JSON.

The endpoint to access Noa’s API is

Access Strategy: Server to Server

Services and applications at Noa are not exposed to end users. That is, new users cannot autonomously create accounts or access credentials to explore concrete fleets inside of our system.

Because of that, our API does not store information about resources owned by specific users, and hence it does not handle user specific requests. Instead, it exposes fleet wide resources that help you manage and orchestrate your fleet such as bicycles, trackers, locks, models, alerts, and others.

As a result, most of the times you access Noa’s API, it will happen in a server to server fashion, such as users performing requests to your systems, which then in turn fire requests to this API, and use the contents of the response to decide and expose information back to the requester. For some resources, it may be more convenient to adopt a proactive sync approach, performed preemptively by your system, in which, for example, it syncs locations of bicycles by issuing requests periodically, or receiving push updates from our APIs.

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